Delimitation of the special mining control zone in Zaruma

February 2nd, 2022

By ministerial agreement No. MERNNR-MERNNR-2022-0001-AM, published in the third supplement to Official Register No. 629 of January 31, 2022, the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources issued the delimitation of the special mining control zone within the Zaruma canton.

The Agreement establishes the following coordinates, within which the Control Zone will be located:

The Agreement defines the technical and environmental parameters that must be met by concessionaires who have mining rights within the Control Zone. These parameters must be applied in accordance with the technical evaluation made by the multidisciplinary team conformed by the control and monitoring entities.

Among the technical and environmental parameters to be met we find the following:

  1. Technical diagnosis of the current state of mining work within the concessions in the Control Zone.
  2. Underground Topography Map of Workstation Location.
  3. Identification map of geological structures.
  4. Georeferencing of mine pits at PSAD 56 and WGS 84 coordinates
  5. Mining plan
  6. Identify and report the presence of environmental liabilities
  7. Develop and execute a plan for the closure and rehabilitation of environmental liabilities.
  8.  Environmental License
  9. Waste management plan

The Agency for Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources will be responsible for carrying out the control and monitoring within the Control Zone.




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